Info-Atari16 Digest Thu, 16 Jan 92 Volume 92 : Issue 23 Today's Topics: 4Mb upgrades 80N86 Emulation. Apple System 7 on Spectre GCR Atarians! Where Are You?! (2 msgs) Children's Public Domain programs (Info needed) CS-TEX (24pin fonts) || AFXpack GCC questions GCR with overscan? (2 msgs) HELP needed (UNIX arc,zoo.lharc : gdb : ST as typewriter) How do I turn the key-sound off? (2 msgs) Making a null modem cable for 8bit to IBM/ST (how to) question: Notator & serial printer Re : fax software for the ST (2 msgs) TOS 2.06 Available in USA! Turboass Unzooing big files on one drive (2 msgs) WANTED: Spectre GCR with or w/o ROMs Welcome to the Info-Atari16 Digest. The configuration for the automatic cross-posting to/from Usenet is getting closer, but still getting thrashed out. Please send notifications about broken digests or bogus messages to Info-Atari16-Request@NAUCSE.CSE.NAU.EDU. Please send requests for un/subscription and other administrivia to Info-Atari16-Request, *NOT* Info-Atari16. Requests that go to the list instead of the moderators are likely to be lost or ignored. If you want to unsubscribe, and you're receiving the digest indirectly from someplace (usually a BITNET host) that redistributes it, please contact the redistributor, not us. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: 16 Jan 92 15:06:11 GMT From: mcsun!uknet!icdoc!syma! (Kevin Busby) Subject: 4Mb upgrades To: From article , by (Martin Randall): > > Can anyone out there recommend a good upgrade 4Mb upgrade for a > 1040STF (TOS 1.0) ? Many thanks. > Frontier Software's 'Xtra-Ram' always gets good reviews. I installed one in my Mega 1 (TOS 1.2) and would strongly recommend it. It's advertised (correctly) as a "solderless" upgrade, but this does mean that a few connections to some resistors are made using small jump-leads; I preferred to solder some wire connections instead. See their adverts in the usual ST 'zines for details. ------------------------------ Date: 16 Jan 92 19:56:38 GMT From: noao!ncar!!swrinde!!caen!nstar!sysco n! (Mike DeMetz) Subject: 80N86 Emulation. To: The harware emulations are more than a chip. They are complete PCs on a board that connects to the 68K and takes over the buss except for one that plugs into the DMA port. Most are more expensive than buying an XT. ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 16 Jan 1992 16:49:26 -0600 (CST) From: Z_RYMALJL@CCSVAX.SFASU.EDU (Larry Rymal) Subject: Apple System 7 on Spectre GCR To: Stephan Muhs writes: >[in response to a question about System 7 on the Spectre] >But how do you intend to run System 7 with a 20 meg hard drive? I don't mean to jump in, but System 7 runs just fine on a 20 meg hard drive with plenty of working space left over. What's the problem? Inquiring minds want to know. ;>) Larry Rymal |Atari ST & Mac Users of East Texas| Stephen F. Austin State University, Nacogdoches, Texas ------------------------------ Date: 16 Jan 92 08:05:37 GMT From: noao!ncar!!usc!rpi!ispd-newsserver!psinntp!! Subject: Atarians! Where Are You?! To: Oh no!! Is the ST really dead, as signified by the vacant space? Few years ago, when I was in the market for a computer, I had seriously considered the ST as an option.I had always been fond of Atari as an Atari 400/800 owner. The ST graphic interface I was fascinated with at the time, was priced right, sufficiently fast, and played good games. So where is it now? Remember the ST-vs-Amiga thing? I suppose that was the beginning of the end for the Atari. The two machines were targeting the same audience, and Commodore clearly had the superior hardware. Waat disappointed me most about Atari was their reaction to this fact. They had ample opportunities to make up for the initial disadvantage. Instead, they just crammed more memory into the existing architecture (the Mega STs) as if that would solve the problem, then they wasted precious R&D $ in miscellaneous failures (remember the portable ST and the notebook DOS compatible that actually was featured in Terminator 2?). Then they went off into the video game industry (their place of origin) but never could regain their former stature. The sad tale of Atari computers is a modern tragedy indeed.... ------------------------------ Date: 17 Jan 92 02:29:26 GMT From: ogicse!milton! (Gregory Miller) Subject: Atarians! Where Are You?! To: In article <> writes: >Oh no!! Is the ST really dead, as signified by the vacant space? Few years ago, >when I was in the market for a computer, I had seriously considered the ST >as an option.I had always been fond of Atari as an Atari 400/800 owner. The ST graphic interface I was fascinated with at the time, >was priced right, sufficiently fast, and played good games. So where is it >now? Remember the ST-vs-Amiga thing? I suppose that was the beginning of the >end for the Atari. The two machines were targeting the same audience, and >Commodore clearly had the superior hardware. Waat disappointed me most about >Atari was their reaction to this fact. They had ample opportunities to >make up for the initial disadvantage. Instead, they just crammed more >memory into the existing architecture (the Mega STs) as if that would solve >the problem, then they wasted precious R&D $ in miscellaneous failures >(remember the portable ST and the notebook DOS compatible that actually >was featured in Terminator 2?). Then they went off into the video game >industry (their place of origin) but never could regain their former stature. >The sad tale of Atari computers is a modern tragedy indeed.... No doubt about it. Just look at the virtual lack of new posts to on a daily basis as compared to the multitude of different comp.sys.amiga.etc etc etc posts. Nothing else points out so much as to the demise of the ST as thiss does. Even when there ARE are few new messages, a good portion of them are from people trying to dump their Atari equipment as fast as possible. Inour market, about the only way to get rid of an ST is to give it away. I feel EXTREMELY lucky to have dumped my STe for the measly sum of $350 (including a monochrome monitor and an external drive) about two months ago. I'm positive the price I could receive now would be even less. There's not even a glossy independently produced magazine published in the US for the ST. _______________________________________________________________________________ __ I will not be pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, /// briefed, debriefed, or numbered. __ /// Only Amiga makes \\\/// it possible..... My life is my own. \XX/ _______________________________________________________________________________ PS: to R Shepard of New Zealand (I believe)... I don't flicker either. Guess you've never heard of 640 X 480 productivity mode in four colors WITHOUT a friggin' flicker fixer, eh? AND at least my goddamn pointer NEVER HAS flickered... Not like a dying lightglobe! -- _______________________________________________________________________________ __ I will not be pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, /// briefed, debriefed, or numbered. __ /// Only Amiga makes ------------------------------ Date: 17 Jan 92 00:10:41 GMT From: noao!ncar!!mips!!!!lynx!h! (David G. Adams) Subject: Children's Public Domain programs (Info needed) To: I need to find some good Public Domain programs that my 6 year old daughter can use (games or educational, etc.) Your help will be greatly appreciated! Dave -- /|\ | Lords of the / < <>--<> > David G. Adams \ < |/\ | Earth: | "Modern love is automatic" - A Flock of Seagulls | \| | Live it! \ Don't bug the University 'bout nuthin' I've said. / ------------------------------ Date: 16 Jan 92 11:15:05 GMT From: noao!ncar!gatech!!!!fauern!uni do!mcsun!uknet!icdoc!sot-ecs! (Halls DA) Subject: CS-TEX (24pin fonts) || AFXpack To: In <> (Mark Lehmann) writes: I did this, but can you still use nb24new? Or still the old dvi'er that comes with CS-tex - it gives problems with my Star, even with the -z option! >In article <> (Halls DA) writes: > >Okay, I've just downloaded and installed 24pin1.lzh and 24pin2.lzh > >from a.a. I managed to get the install program to work even though the > >docs are in german (I don't know any). > >The fonts are now in the prtfonts directory in my tex folder. And the > >driver (nb24new) is there as well. But when I try to use nb24new to > >print a dvi file I get an error message. Armed with a > >german-to-english dictionary I _roughly_ translated. It said the > >driver had failed and asked me to Noder or Abbruch - (something or > >abort I think). > >I had this problem also. I finally had to use lzh to un-archive the >utilities. Next I had to rename the directories. I renamed ...1.000 >to FONT0360, and ...1.200 to FON0432 (360 x 1.2) and so on. Then I >placed these directories in the P6_HDFNT directory. TeX could use them >then. >I don't suggest that you battle the German installation program, and just >give in to this more complicated but less frustrating way to un-archive >the fonts. >Mark Lehmann > ------------------------------ Date: 17 Jan 92 02:26:22 GMT From: olivea!!!psuvax1!psuvm! (J.J. Lehett) Subject: GCC questions To: I am beginning to install gcc, and have a couple questions. I know it uses a lot of memery, I have 4 megs installed. Is this enough for large applications? Or will this too run out pretty quickly? I did get hello.c to compile correctly, but when I tried it on some of my own programs, it appeared that it did not like include files that were called from other include files. Is this true? I am using mupfel, and not sure if this had anything to do with it, but I think I have all then env vars set, I read something about SH.TTP, but could not find it anywhere to use in conjuction with mupfel. Any ideas on these things? ------------------ J.J. Lehett : Atari's, puzzles, games, chaos, fractals, math.... - Penn State CAC Lab Operator - Atari 16/32 bit SIG Sysop ------------------------------ Date: 15 Jan 92 22:21:48 GMT From: noao!ncar!!usc!wupost!!!fauern!un ido!mcsun!uknet!slxsys!ibmpcug!demon! (Keith Sommerville) Subject: GCR with overscan? To: Spectre doesnt take advantage of the increased resolution of the TT although i- t will run ------------------------------ Date: 15 Jan 92 22:21:35 GMT From: noao!ncar!!usc!wupost!!!fauern!un ido!mcsun!uknet!slxsys!ibmpcug!demon! (Keith Sommerville) Subject: GCR with overscan? To: Spectre doesnt take advantage of the increased resolution of the TT although i- t will run ------------------------------ Date: 17 Jan 92 01:27:54 GMT From: noao!ncar!!swrinde!!pacific.mps.ohio!linac!!!roma! (William Magro) Subject: HELP needed (UNIX arc,zoo.lharc : gdb : ST as typewriter) To: In article <>, (Andrew F Stratton) writes: |> |> Can anyone help with :- |> |> 1. Are there versions of arc, zoo, lharc that run on SUN 4's or VAX? Yes, yes, yes. I have arc and zoo on my sparcstation and they run fine. For some reason unarced *.prg files that are then downloaded with binary xmodem do not run. I am not sure why. The files are called zoo.tar.Z and arc601.tar.Z and are available on LOTS of ftp sites in the unix areas. The best way to find a site near you is to use an archie server. To get started, telnet to ( and log in as archie (no pass required). You can then find the address for a european archie server. Archie will take a file name and then search a database and tell you everywhere that it knows about that has the file you want. Good luck! Btw, unarcing on a sparcstation is almost instantaneous! You'll love it! --Bill ------------------------------ Date: 15 Jan 92 13:19:13 GMT From: noao!ncar!!caen!deccrl!bloom-beacon!eru!hagbard!sunic!!! (Gunnar Thalin) Subject: How do I turn the key-sound off? To: Does anybody know how to turn the key "blip" off and on whithout using the control-panel accessory? Thanks in advance. (Gunnar Thalin) ------------------------------ Date: 16 Jan 92 23:19:06 GMT From:!!!mg20+@cs.roch (Michael Paul Greelish) Subject: How do I turn the key-sound off? To: Gunnar Thalin asks: "Does anybody know how to turn the key 'blip' off and on whithout using the control-panel accessory?" 1. Set the keyclick "blip" to off with the Control Panel (wait, this gets better.) Save desktop (from TOS.) When you boot with the disk you saved DESKTOP.INF on, the click will be off from square one. Beats me if this will work with a hard drive; I don't have one. 2. (Facetious) Turn the volume on the monitor off. Anyone else? ______________________________________________________ Mike Greelish Carnegie Mellon University, Professional Writing major "I could be wrong, but I could be right..." ---Public Image Ltd., "Rise" ------------------------------ Date: 16 Jan 92 19:21:48 GMT From: noao!ncar!!usc!rpi!ispd-newsserver!psinntp!ultb!ultb!drp9500@ (D.R. Paradis ) Subject: Making a null modem cable for 8bit to IBM/ST (how to) To: I had posted a request for this information and I found it on a local BBS. Several people asked me to share what I found so here is the file on to build the null modem cable. ---------------------- PRO Null Modem Transfers 1-17-90 Circular Logic 718-351-4304 It has recently come to our attention that many Pro SysOps are having difficulty establishing a Null Modem transfer between their BBS and a second computer, be it ST, IBM or XL. It is quite easy and reliable as long as the correct cable is used. The correct pinouts are as follows: Note: should you mess this up and blow up yourself or your neighborhood we assume _no_ responsiblity! Get your pins right! They are labled on any decent brand of connector. Here are views looking at the 'business' ends of the connectors- Male DB9 Female DB25 1 2 3 4 5 13 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 6 7 8 9 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 Atari 9 pin to Atari 9 Pin or IBM/ST 25 pin ____________ ___________ __________ 1 DTR * 1 20 Data Terminal Ready * 2 CRX * 2 8 Data Carrier Detect * 3 XMT 4 3 Recieve Data 4 RCV 3 2 Transmitted Data 5 GND 5 7 Signal Ground 6 DSR 6 6 Not Connected 7 RTS 7 4 Request To Send 8 CTS 8 5 Clear To Send 9 NOT CONNECTED---------------------------------------------------- *** Note IMPORTANT inorder to work with Pro and or Express, Tie (short) pins one and two (DTR/CRX) together on the XL end (and/or pins 8 & 20 on the ST/IBM end) This insures a Carrier Detect for the BBS. *Note: The only lines really needed are the lines on pins 1-5 on the XL end (WITH the pin 1 & 2 mod as above). This swaps the Send/Recieve lines and forces a carrier detect for the BBS and grounds both systems. After hooking up the cable and matching baud rates (BAUD.CMD by Circular Logic serves nicely to temporarly step up your BBS baud rate for a null modem transfer) bang on the RETURN key on the remote system untill the BBS 'sees' the keypress and starts the normal logon process. Programs tested to work on the remote are: 850 Express, Express Cart,Flash, DualTerm, Procomm Plus. -Hope this helped! -Tom & Bill ------------------------------------ I have not built the cable YET, so I don't know if it works for sure. Bob -- ************************************************************************ * Just because I'm a film major | < Net-address > * * doesn't mean I'm a Spielber-wanna-be....| * * I'm a Lynch-wanna-be! | * ------------------------------ Date: 16 Jan 92 23:05:32 GMT From:!bruce!trlluna!titan!trantor! (Ian Lewis) Subject: question: Notator & serial printer To: I have an Atari 1040ST and Notator 3.1, and would like to print out some arrangements I have put together. The printer I have is a Diconix 300W with a serial interface. My problem is that I do not seem to be able to get Notator to use the serial printer, even if I use the desktop tool to send printer output to the serial port. Has anyone had any success, and if so could you email me and tell me how you achieved it? Thanks for any help. -- Ian Lewis, Voice: +61 3 253 6317 Fax: +61 3 253 6144 Telecom Research Laboratories, P.O. Box 249, Clayton, Victoria 3168, AUSTRALIA Internet: X400: g=ian s=lewis ou=trl o=telecom prmd=telecom006 admd=telememo c=au Ian Lewis, Voice: +61 3 253 6317 Fax: +61 3 253 6144 Telecom Research Laboratories, P.O. Box 249, Clayton, Victoria 3168, AUSTRALIA Internet: X400: g=ian s=lewis ou=trl o=telecom prmd=telecom006 admd=telememo c=au ------------------------------ Date: 16 Jan 92 15:15:56 GMT From: mcsun!uknet!yorkohm!minster! Subject: Re : fax software for the ST To: I think that Michtron produce a package for sending/recieving faxes from your ST - if I remember correctly you can choose to purchase the software with or without the accompanying modem. In the UK I'm sure that it is distributed by Microdeal in St. Austell, Cornwall, although I don't know of Michtron's distributor in Germany. Hope this helps Jonathan. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jonathan P. Hassell - HCI Group Dept. of Computer Science, University of York, York, Y01 5DD, UK. Tel : (+44 904 432765) UUCP MAIL: {mcsun,uknet}!minster!jph JANET MAIL: INTERNET MAIL: last resort: ------------------------- Usual Disclaimers Apply ----------------------------- ------------------------------ Date: 16 Jan 92 23:26:58 GMT From: yuma!lamar! (Shoou-yu tang) Subject: Re : fax software for the ST To: Does any one know is such software availible in USA? (without the modem, just the software). Thanks. Tang ------------------------------ Date: 16 Jan 92 20:26:17 GMT From: noao!ncar!!usc!!!j (Joachim Vance) Subject: TOS 2.06 Available in USA! To: In article <> (unx3184) writes: >In article <> (Andy Cassino) writes: >>>Ok, thats all real peachy-keen if you're an ST owner, but what if you happen >>>to own a 1040STe - how do I go about getting the new TOS and docs?? >> >>$69.95 sticks in my mind, but don't quote me on it! >> > >Think it was $139.00 Was a bit higher than tos 1.4 at $90.00 > Well shoot. For that you get TOS 2.06, the board that lets you install it in your ST and a bunch of utilities (CPX, etc) on disk. (A bit more price for a bit more stuff, tho CodeHead does have a monopoly on it). And since TOS 2.06 can plug straight into the STE, they probably sell it for less. I don't see why CodeHead wouldn't sell 2.06 to STE owners for more than $99. But then, it's up to them... -- Joachim Vance ~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~% I am antisesquipedalian--Opposed to the use of long words. ~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~% ------------------------------ Date: 16 Jan 92 15:49:53 GMT From: mcsun!uknet!edcastle! (K S Shea) Subject: Turboass To: Hi - I've been using the TurboAss assembler lately and I'm wondering how to get it to load in the debugger (which I assume is bugaboo.prg) to avoid to leave the editor every time I want to test something out. Any ideas? Thanks Kev ------------------------------ Date: 16 Jan 92 20:47:54 GMT From: noao!ncar!!usc!!!jvance@a (Joachim Vance) Subject: Unzooing big files on one drive To: In article <> (Charles Savoie) writes: >In article <> (Richard G.C. Storm (I89)) writes: >> >>Can anybody tell me how to unzoo a acrhived program(500 K) if >>you have only one drive. >> >>Zoo.ttp and the file just fit on the disk. >> >>Is using the file in a ram-disk a solution then tell me please >>how to redirect the unpacked files to drive A. If the unpacked files are written on the ram disk is runs out of memory . > >The ram-disk *is* a solution. For some, and only if you have enough memory. One reason I can't really stand Zoo is that, as far as I can figure, you can't redirect the output. Say on a fairly large *.zoo file that would take up 700k or more uncompressed, the only way that I know of to uncompress on a 2floppy system is to make a ramdisk of around 1200k. This leaves 1meg, 2floppy owners out in the cold. Even 1 floppy 1meg owners could unarc an *.arc or *.lzh file that large with a few tricks. Some of the same is true for large self extracting archives. Well at least you can extract files one at at time if they are ZOOed and small enough on a small system. Another reason to not use ZOO on STs. It may be nice and solid on UNIX, but for most ST owners it becomes a hassel. I wonder why Steve Yelington likes it so much.... Maybe when arcshell supports ZOO, people will like it more... Am I wrong in saying that you can't redirect ZOO? If so, I'd appreciate knowing how. -- Joachim Vance ~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~% I am antisesquipedalian--Opposed to the use of long words. ~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~% ------------------------------ Date: 17 Jan 92 00:31:43 GMT From: noao!ncar!!usc!wupost!!!roma!wmagro@ar (William Magro) Subject: Unzooing big files on one drive To: In article <>, (Richard G.C. Storm (I89)) writes: |> |> Can anybody tell me how to unzoo a acrhived program(500 K) if |> you have only one drive. |> |> Zoo.ttp and the file just fit on the disk. I suggest running a shell (like gulam). Put zoo.ttp and the archive file on floppy a:. Set your path to include A:\ . The following commands should work (I am showing the current directory as a prompt): a:\> setenv PATH a:\ a:\> ls a: zoo.ttp archive.zoo a:\> cd b: (computer says please put disk B in drive A. put your blank floppy in the drive.) b:\> zoo -extract a:\archive.zoo (zoo will extract the files into your current directory, i.e. the blank floppy) b:\> ls b: happy.prg happy.doc (etc.) b:\> cd a: (put disk a in drive a) a:\> That's it! Good luck. --Bill ------------------------------ Date: 17 Jan 92 00:02:53 GMT From:!! Subject: WANTED: Spectre GCR with or w/o ROMs To: I am looking for a Spectre GCR with or without ROMs. Please let me know (email) if you have one you would sell. Thanks! Doug Tarico ------------------------------ End of Info-Atari16 Digest ******************************